Because Safety Matters

Medellin Concrete Chipping Service, Inc. Is the ONLY company in the industry to employ a Corporate Safety Director.
Byron Baum is our Corporate Safety/Training director.
Mr. Baum drafted our safety rules in accordance with OSHA regulations. Those rules address job site safety and procedures.
The management of our company performs random and unannounced safety checks anywhere in the United States where our crews work.
We provide in-house training. We do not subcontract safety.
We do not hire safety consultants. The safety of our employees is our #1 priority.
Contact Mr.Byron Baum. 225-268-8735 [email protected]
We are in the process of building a 5,000 sq ft facility which will house our maintenance shop and a dedicated state of the art safety training room.
Our corporate safety director requires that all employees undergo training/education in the following areas:
- Confined Space Training
- Medical Evaluation Questionnaire (MEQ)
- Quantitative fit testing
- Respiratory protection standard
- Mask fitting test/maintenance (we only use full face masks).
- Lock Out Tag Out (Lo/To)
- General plant safety
- Equipment inspection procedures
- Entrance log and setting reporting
- Procedures in case of accidents